Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pancakes - from scratch!

Mr. T just doesn't get excited about things like I do. I'm over here like "Yay! Random drive around town!" or "Yay! You want to play Toy Story 3 with me!" and more commonly, "YAY! FOOD!"
I try awfully hard to excite him like that but it just isn't in his nature. There was the one time I bought him the star wars xbox 360 and thought he was going to cry.
I hold on to that moment.
I also try to achieve that glimmer of excitement from his pretty green eyes almost daily. So aside from peanut butter, one of his favorite things to eat are pancakes. Boy gets up at 4 every day so the only breakfast in bed he is able to get is on Saturday. (Not that I wouldn't love being that wife that wakes up every morning with her husband and have his breakfast on the table... but we haven't reached that point yet.)

So Saturday I woke up before him - later than 4am mind you - and decided to surprise him!

The budding Betty Crocker in me decided that from scratch would be the best way to go with this venture. Let's make a note that I had to get creative. We had no eggs and we are basically poor right now so I had to substitute. Did you know two tablespoons water, one teaspoon vegetable oil and two teaspoons baking powder could be used in the place of one egg? Imagine that!

As you can see, I made ours into different sizes. We each had 3 and they were in cute little layers. I had some batter left over that I stuck in the fridge for later.

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 egg, beaten lightly (or the substitute)
1 ½ cups milk
2 tbsp butter, melted

Grease a nonstick pan with cooking spray or vegetable oil. Start heating the pan on medium (for about ten minutes) In a large bowl, mix the first three ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix the egg and milk until combined. Add it to the flour mix and stir until smooth. Finally, add butter. *note that if you want fancy pancakes add your blueberries, chocolate chips, etc. here.* Pour the batter to make whatever size pancakes you want. Cook until bubbles start to form on top, then flip and cook a couple more minutes.

Good Work!

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